你和我 相約在 午夜喧嘩的大街
告訴我 這段感情今夜將會是將會是終點
傻傻的 看著你 眼角不流一滴淚
說好了 要堅強 不流淚
我以為 我可以 讓愛變得很甜美
才發現 愛情竟是一場殘酷的考驗
太愚昧 太依戀 才放你去自由飛
一瞬間 愛決堤 在今夜
雨紛飛 飛在天空裡是我的眼淚
淚低垂 垂在手心裡是你的餘味
誰瞭解 真心的付出換來的是離別
我知道 愛過後會心碎
我相信 愛情沒有永遠
Why did I post this? There's a story behind this. Well, it started with Sunil's "pre-birthday party" in red box where I chose this song and no one other than me knows it. To not be the only person enjoying it, I decided to tell Yu Wooi to "cut" the song. I have no idea why this song was stuck in my head since then. Thus, here it goes, the lyrics is posted here.
Actually I wanted to take a picture of my mom's new car which got scratched at the trunk yesterday. She was very angry with that "clumsy" fellow who doesn't even know how to park a car!! She was very angry not just simply because of his clumsiness but his attitude. He didn't even bother to get his butt off his car to apologise. This incident went all the way from SPCA to the nearest police station. Mom won the case and she got paid for the "fabulous scar" that the man did. Today, mom got her "precious baby" done which cost more than what the man has paid. *sigh* It's just not her day.
Next... there goes another quiz from Serene's blog.
Your Blog Should Be Purple |
You're an expressive, offbeat blogger who tends to write about anything and everything. You tend to set blogging trends, and you're the most likely to write your own meme or survey. You are a bit distant though. Your blog is all about you - not what anyone else has to say. |
LOLz!! I end up getting the same result as Serene, which is purple...
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