Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Does Appearance really matter?

Yesterday, after talking to a friend (I won't reveal who this person is), I wanted to ask everyone, "Does appearance really matter?"
This friend of mine was saying, no matter how great a person's inner beauty is, he will not consider going after her if she did not have the outer beauty.
It is somewhat true as appearance is the first thing you see. Your first impression of a person comes from the appearance. Inner beauty will always come last after you get to know the person well.
Even though I kept on emphasising that I look at inner beauty, I will not stop praising a good-looking guy if I see one. Especially if that guy has an attracting smile like David Went!

Does appearance really matter?
Honestly, I cannot give an exact answer.

Appearance does not just consist of how a person looks like. It also includes how a person present him/herself to the public, such as dressing. I wouldn't like to date a guy who doesn't comb his hair or brush his teeth! Thinking about it, ewwww!!
This is the most basic steps of presenting yourself. Brand of clothes a person wears doesn't matter! As long as you dress up neatly and smartly, it will be good enough.

Fat, thin or muscular?
This is also part of the appearance. Some people prefers fatter people, some thinner and some muscular. Well, I don't think body build is a big problem.

There are people who are tall, who are short. Some are due to genetic factors, some environmental. So, does height matter? My answer is no but on the other hand yes. Contradicting? Hmm.. I think I wouldn't mind dating a guy who is 150cm if I were maybe <150cm or even 150cm. Get what I mean? I don't mind whether a guy is short but I do mind if he is shorter than me. I think guys mind as well right?

So, does appearance matter?
I guess appearance does add more credits to a person, however, inner beauty is still what I seek for.


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