Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Blood Donation

I've been looking forward to this day. I want to donate blood. I want to make myself useful to the society. Ironically, I'm actually agliophobic. However, thinking that my 470cc of blood may save a life, I felt happiness overwhelming me! To donate blood, I did full preparation.

  1. Restful sleep (altogether 12 hours).
  2. Drank red date soup the night before.
  3. Breakfast - 2 slices of bread with a cup of milo.
  4. Lunch - a slice of "Apple and cinnamon Bread".
  5. I'm over 45kg.

Yet I'm not eligible? What!?!

The nurse said, "I'm sorry dar, I'm afraid that you might faint after the donation."

Why am I not eligible according to her...

  1. You need to drink at least 3 bottles of water before the donation.
  2. You had rashes for the past week.
  3. You had abdominal pain for the past week.
  4. You had a history of chest pain.

Ok, I admit that I did not drink 3 bottles of water beforehand, currently having rashes on my back and suffering from slight abdominal pain. As for chest pain, that was 10 months ago! Moreover, I did go to the hospital to do check-up. I did an ECG, ultrasound scan as well as x-ray! The doctor said I'm perfectly fine - having regular heartbeats, regular ECG patterns, healthy lungs and so on! "I'm a healthy baby" in short!

But... this nurse said, "You gotta get a letter from your doctor first dar."

OMG! Did she call me dar again? Yikes!
In the end, I left the blood bank with disappointment. Not to forget, Jesselyn, who was forced to join me, in the end, donated a packet of blood. BUT NOT ME!

PS. The doctor said the chest pain was due to stress by the way.


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