Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Random Post

Hope it's not too late to say this...
  1. Thanks Pak Soon for the laptop when there wasn't any free computer in AIC, and I gotta rush 12 portfolios which weres dued the following day.
  2. Thanks Pak Soon again for accompanying me until late at night in AIC. (Well, the "life" of his laptop is in my hands)
  3. Thanks Pak Soon once more for volunteering to send me back late at night. REAL late... Imagine from AIC to Bara - 15 minutes, and from Bara back to Birminghan - another 30 minutes.
  4. Thanks Hock Luck for accompanying me back to Bara late at night and insisted on sending me back to Bara entrance.
  5. Thanks Hock Luck again for some of his help in the portfolios.
  6. Sorry Pak Soon for making him waste the whole evening just to accompany me till I'm done with the work.
  7. Sorry Pak Soon for dominating his laptop.
  8. Sorry Pak Soon for making him watch Youtube to kill time, instead of letting him go back to study for exams.
  9. Thanks Tiong Sun for his patience in teaching me a lot of stuff!
  10. Before I end this, thanks Jesselyn for her concern when I was in AIC.


  • Heavy hail shower today!
  • Many leaves were killed...
  • Many cars were dented...
  • Thanks to myself so that Lin Kooi didn't get caught under the shower. Why? If I dragged another 5 mins of his time... he won't be so lucky anymore... XD!!
  • All the cleaners will have a hard time cleaning up...
  • Hope all the spider-webs are destroyed!
  • AND Happy Halloweeeeeeeeeen!!


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