Taronga Zoo
My plan as stated below
Time Table
Time Table
- Bus 226 @ 6.08am
- Reach Broadmeadow Station @ 6.25am
- Broadmeadow Station Route 300 bus @6.47am
- Reach Central @ 9.22am
- Central @ 9.28/9.29/9.33am
- Reach Circular Quay @ 9.36/9.37/9.41am
- Circular Quay Wharf 2 @ 9.45am
- Reach Taronga Zoo @ 9.57am
- Enter the zoo @ 10am!!
Estimated Expenses (for transportation & tickets only)
- Bus 226 return @ AUD5.80
TrainBus Route 300 return ticket from Broadmeadow to Circular Quay @ AUD24- ZooPass (including Ferry, zoo entrance, Sky Safari) @ AUD39
In reality...
Time Table
- Bus 226 @ 6.18am (6.08am is for weekdays!! NOT Saturday)
- Reach broadmeadow Station @ 6.35am
- Broadmeadow Station
Route 300 bus @ 6.47amSpecial Express bus JUST for us @ 7.00am - Reach Central @ 9.15am
- Central @ 9.45am (long story... read on if you wanna know)
- Reach Circular Quay @ 9.53am
- Circular Quay Wharf 2 @ 10.15am
- Reach Taronga Zoo @ 10.27am
- Enter the zoo @ 10.45am
Expenses (for transportation & tickets only)
- Bus 226 return @ AUD5.80
TrainBus return ticket from Broadmeadow to Circular Quay @ AUD24- Ferry @ AUD10.40
- Zoo entrance (including Sky Safari) @ AUD22.50
Total: AUD62.70
Shall I begin...
Su Pin, Jacqueline, Hock Luck & I have planned to leave an hour later than Jesselyn. Therefore, we should lag one hour behind them. Early this morning, Su Pin called... Thinking that she was going to ask where and when we were suppose to meet. Answered her excitedly... but the conversation was disappointing.SAVED AUD6.10!!
Shall I begin...
"Cindy, err... I think we (referring to Jacqueline & herself) are not going..."
"O_O WHY!?!?!" *struck by lightning*
"I injured my hand. It was swollen for the whole night and I couldn't sleep."
No need to be so "BA" wanting to know what our conversation was. The thing is Jacqueline and Su Pin dropped out. Of course, I told HL this news.
*sigh* "If they told us earlier, we can follow Jesselyn. Now only 2 of us..."
*In Broadmeadow Station*
The plan was to catch the Route 300 express bus to central but I don't know why there were SO MANY PPL! Gosh! Basically, e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e is going down to central. The seats were limited & so happened that we couldn't hop onto that bus.
"Sigh... we will be lagged half an hour behind." I thought.
Just then another bus arrived. The conductor claimed that the bus was going to central as well... before he could finish, everyone stepped out... BUT it's not an express bus... he continued. The response was SO PATHETIC! 'coz everyone stood back. After some communication between the conductor and the bus driver, the conductor shouted in excitement,
"This bus will go all the way to central without stopping!"
WOW! *eyes opened big big* (still small la)
Just hop on only la... NO STOP AT ALL LEH! How often can we get this kind of bus? Even that Route 300 express bus was NOT as express as this one. In the end we left later than Route 300 express bus, but arrived earlier. *chuckle* Wahahaha! Just like one of the Chinese idiom 因禍得福 (yin huoˋ deˊ fuˊ).
However, we did not make it to the Circular Quay before 9.45am. BECAUSE we didn't know which line we should take. Bankstown? Innerwest? Airport & East Hill? Basically, all these three get us to Circular Quay but we do not know which platform we should wait at as there were 2 directions for each line. In the end, we took the city line where it stops at the city circle only. Well, it is safer this way or else... like Pak Soon meh? Took the Blue Mountain line back to Newcastle then only realised that he was on the wrong train.
In the end, we reached 5 minutes after the Ferry left. Well, it's alright! There will be a ferry leaving every 30 minutes. So, after meeting up with William, we took the 10.15am Ferry into the zoo. While we were on the Sky Safari, heading towards the zoo, I called Jesselyn.
"Hey Jesselyn, we are on the cable car now. Where should we meet you?"
"Har? You are in the zoo already?"
"Yea... Where are you?"
"We are going now!"
"...skip skip..."
Jesselyn's timing again....
I told the other two what Jesselyn said and the response was...
"Luckily we didn't follow them..."
So... we went to tour around the zoo first. After we had seen the majority of the reptiles, there was no phone call from them. After watching bird's show and went through many cute animals, still we did not get any calls from them. So, I called again.
"Are you coming in or not?"
"Yes yes, we are looking at the reptiles now..."
"Reptiles ah..."
Before I can continue, Jesselyn said, "Go see whatever you haven't seen yet la.. we'll meet up later."
"Oh ok."
Anyway, we met up after we have already gone through Wild Asia, seal show, gorilla, tigers, lions and many more. It was not an intention meet up but just run into them by chance. So, we went to watch the bird show and Wild Asia again with them, Wild Australia, kids petting zoo, etc. By the time we finished everything, the zoo was about to close. We left the zoo and got back to central. As Hock Luck & Kim Fei were rushing back to watch the Arsenal & Liverpool match, Emmerie & I were quite rushing too. I wanted to go back early because 1) the last Bus 226 is @ 9.49pm & 2) HL is going back early. If I chose to go back later, there will be no transportation back home. After knowing we will be going home earlier, Emmerie tagged along too. We parted with Jesselyn & the others at central. Then 4 of us went for our Asian grocery at Miracle, bought our dinner & rushed back to central for the bus @ 7.00pm.
Skip those crapz la... I'm tired of typing more. The main point is we had fun and we got home safely full stop.
Photos? Here you go~
PS. There are more ok? Just too many to upload!
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