4th July 2007
Mom. Dad. Katty. Jay. Uncle Hong Ming. Kevin.Jenny. Amy. Benjamin Lim. Benedict Lee. Hock Luck. Yu Wooi. Fritz. Tian Mun. Yee Man. Jesselyn. Serene. Jun Shi. Kwang Hong. Sein Hon. Kim Fei. William Wo. Melvin Wong. Melvin Low. Wai May. Jacky. Julian. Jessie. Aida. Anusha. Annette. Sze Yee. Wen Ya. Diana. Albert. Raymond. Zi Jie.... and many more other people...
Thank you for your wishes! *Bow*
I'm officially 21 already. Ya, I know... I'm old.
I wasn't expecting any celebrations at the first place, thinking of just treating my housemates for lunch will do for the day. However, those available friends made my birthday memorable AND because of THEM, which made it so special.
Prezzies? Oh come on! I've never expect anything from them! Their companion is already the best gift for my birthday. What more should I ask for? (Oh, HL! I know you won't be reading this BUT I want a ribbon or star or whatsoever it is called.) Yet, I have received wonderful gifts from them. First of all, a box of chocolate from the Forrest Street and Heaton Street Residents. And secondly, expensive MAX BRENNER chocolate all the way from Melbourne from my housemates. Not to forget to mention, the cute little doll? Err... What should I call it? I don't know... Anyway, it's cute.
Had some card games or should I say drinking games. They were totally killing me ok? I don't have a high tolerance for alcohol at the first place and they were trying by any means to get me to drink! Darn it! (Tian Mun~ you saved my arse for the last round) OH and this "seven up" game, where we have to count starting from 1 till infinity? I suppose? We can't get that far anyway. Once a person breaks the rule, he gotta drink and the count start from 1 again. The rule is simple - a person should know count the number related to multiples of SEVEN or something WITH SEVEN but should replace the number that he/she was counting with "UP". After "UP", the counting continues in a reverse direction. i.e. 1->2->3->4->5->6->UP->8 (reverse to the person who said 6)
Oh! But we made our own rules this time. We used EIGHT instead of seven (though we started it with seven) and the forbidden numbers were replace with "DENG" instead of up. Ya... so DENG DENG DENG DENG DENG all the way when you reach 80!
Had photo taking sessions of course! Hey this is compulsory alright? Thanks to Tian Mun and Yu Wooi's camera, since my battery died long time ago without knowing. Ya and I think I was a bit high or should I say it in a more scientific manner - anxiolytic effect... *gg* Yu Wooi's gonna kill me for this.
10 of us in the Japanese Restuarant. What was it called again? I can't recall. Not many of them but JE SUIS CONTENTE!
Er.. guess that's all for now! Thank you everyone for making my birthday so special and memorable.
PS. 沒良心的壞老男人,你還欠我兩首生日歌!
Mom. Dad. Katty. Jay. Uncle Hong Ming. Kevin.Jenny. Amy. Benjamin Lim. Benedict Lee. Hock Luck. Yu Wooi. Fritz. Tian Mun. Yee Man. Jesselyn. Serene. Jun Shi. Kwang Hong. Sein Hon. Kim Fei. William Wo. Melvin Wong. Melvin Low. Wai May. Jacky. Julian. Jessie. Aida. Anusha. Annette. Sze Yee. Wen Ya. Diana. Albert. Raymond. Zi Jie.... and many more other people...
Thank you for your wishes! *Bow*
I'm officially 21 already. Ya, I know... I'm old.
I wasn't expecting any celebrations at the first place, thinking of just treating my housemates for lunch will do for the day. However, those available friends made my birthday memorable AND because of THEM, which made it so special.
Prezzies? Oh come on! I've never expect anything from them! Their companion is already the best gift for my birthday. What more should I ask for? (Oh, HL! I know you won't be reading this BUT I want a ribbon or star or whatsoever it is called.) Yet, I have received wonderful gifts from them. First of all, a box of chocolate from the Forrest Street and Heaton Street Residents. And secondly, expensive MAX BRENNER chocolate all the way from Melbourne from my housemates. Not to forget to mention, the cute little doll? Err... What should I call it? I don't know... Anyway, it's cute.
Had some card games or should I say drinking games. They were totally killing me ok? I don't have a high tolerance for alcohol at the first place and they were trying by any means to get me to drink! Darn it! (Tian Mun~ you saved my arse for the last round) OH and this "seven up" game, where we have to count starting from 1 till infinity? I suppose? We can't get that far anyway. Once a person breaks the rule, he gotta drink and the count start from 1 again. The rule is simple - a person should know count the number related to multiples of SEVEN or something WITH SEVEN but should replace the number that he/she was counting with "UP". After "UP", the counting continues in a reverse direction. i.e. 1->2->3->4->5->6->UP->8 (reverse to the person who said 6)
Oh! But we made our own rules this time. We used EIGHT instead of seven (though we started it with seven) and the forbidden numbers were replace with "DENG" instead of up. Ya... so DENG DENG DENG DENG DENG all the way when you reach 80!
Had photo taking sessions of course! Hey this is compulsory alright? Thanks to Tian Mun and Yu Wooi's camera, since my battery died long time ago without knowing. Ya and I think I was a bit high or should I say it in a more scientific manner - anxiolytic effect... *gg* Yu Wooi's gonna kill me for this.

Er.. guess that's all for now! Thank you everyone for making my birthday so special and memorable.
PS. 沒良心的壞老男人,你還欠我兩首生日歌!
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