Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Stupid arrogant MAS staffs, you all can go to hell!
What is so GREAT of your airline anyway? Just because I got a Q class economy ticket? So what? What's with stucking up your nose and say "No, it's not available" when there are actually more seats available for the internet booking.
Are you still gonna stop me from booking a seat if the flight is departuring today and you still have un-sold seats? No wonder you are in debt until Air Asia take over your stupid money-losing-domestic routes, where they can earn from it while you guys lose money!
Business Class? You may be the top ranking of all flights but your economy class service sucks!

PS. That only applies to "stupid arrogant MAS staffs"! Don't look elsewhere losers, don't deny that, 'coz you are! Damn it!

PPS. To those kind and helpful MAS staffs, I'm sorry but you are working with a bunch of arrogant losers.


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