Call me lazy... or NOT!
I know I haven't been blogging for the past 2 or 3 weeks? I have my reasons...
Passer-by A: Yeah yeah, you're just plain lazy!
Me: What? You call me lazy? Hello? Excuse me?
Ok fine... I admit that I felt a bit tired of blogging especially without photos in my currently used computer... Why is that so? Did you ask?
I'm using my office computer. You know, this computer I'm using processes on pentium 4 with limited USB ports; big and heavy not-LCD-kind-of-monitor; connected to an old microsoft non-optical aka ball-rolling mouse.
Why are you not using your own laptop? Did you spill milk over the laptop again?
Wow! You must have read my blog 2 years ago! 2006.09.29
Good try... but no...
It's because... because... because... I have no internet at home!!!

And that's not the sole reason. I have been really really busy lately. Honours have started, I have to sort out my experiment, read up papers for literature review, plan my project, label tubes, thousands and thousands of tubes, label slides, thousands and thousands of slides, learn new techniques, sort out my mice orders... That's not all! Being a nice friend *cough cough*, I volunteered to help HL with his hectic experiments these few days. We have been staying OverTime in the lab doing experiment! That's too bad that we don't get paid for this! Instead, we are paying to do these stuff! Imagine that I am a very bad and selfish person (passerby B: Yes you are! Me: Shut up!) who refused to help. Then I guess HL has to camp in the lab for 5 days, or 3 days at least! I'm starting my experimental model this weekend... GAMSAT is next week...
So, dare you call me lazy again! I'm not lazy, I'm just busy!
You see, I'm spending some time on my blog now!
Passer-by A: Yeah yeah, you're just plain lazy!
Me: What? You call me lazy? Hello? Excuse me?
Ok fine... I admit that I felt a bit tired of blogging especially without photos in my currently used computer... Why is that so? Did you ask?
I'm using my office computer. You know, this computer I'm using processes on pentium 4 with limited USB ports; big and heavy not-LCD-kind-of-monitor; connected to an old microsoft non-optical aka ball-rolling mouse.
Why are you not using your own laptop? Did you spill milk over the laptop again?
Wow! You must have read my blog 2 years ago! 2006.09.29
Good try... but no...
It's because... because... because... I have no internet at home!!!

And that's not the sole reason. I have been really really busy lately. Honours have started, I have to sort out my experiment, read up papers for literature review, plan my project, label tubes, thousands and thousands of tubes, label slides, thousands and thousands of slides, learn new techniques, sort out my mice orders... That's not all! Being a nice friend *cough cough*, I volunteered to help HL with his hectic experiments these few days. We have been staying OverTime in the lab doing experiment! That's too bad that we don't get paid for this! Instead, we are paying to do these stuff! Imagine that I am a very bad and selfish person (passerby B: Yes you are! Me: Shut up!) who refused to help. Then I guess HL has to camp in the lab for 5 days, or 3 days at least! I'm starting my experimental model this weekend... GAMSAT is next week...
So, dare you call me lazy again! I'm not lazy, I'm just busy!
You see, I'm spending some time on my blog now!
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