Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Friday, July 18, 2008

Surprise Surprise Surprise...

It started with this conversation... Oops! Too small? Click to enlarge! =D

Forgive me for the broken English used in the conversation!

Ok, let's proceed to Tinkerbell!

Normal Tinkerbell

Glowing Tinkerbell in a bright room
Glowing Tinkerbell in a dark room with flash
Glowing Tinkerbell in a dark room without flash

Really O.M.G!! I said once only when we were surfing through ebay and now what I get? A Tinkerbell night light!! Hahaha... Thank you so much! Not just to HL, but to the other 10 people as well! =) Just in case you guys think why I never acknowledge who this present was from... Su Pin, Lisa, Sze Yee, Lin Kooi, Fritz, Kwang Hong, Serene, Brendan, Jun Shi and Emmerie! Oops, did I miss out HL? There's a small video at the end, showing how it glows.


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