Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Argh! Gosh!! Could you just shut up, bitch?
Who on earth do you think you are?
Yes, I did agree on moving to another place to do my work so that you can do yours but that doesn't mean that you have the right to question my usual way of doing! I could have turned you down when you asked so-called "nicely".

It's just so freaking funny when people say "Can you (action) because I have to (action)?" Can I say no?? This is actually a "more polite" way to force people to do something that they might not really want to! Of course I would have to say "Yes" even I don't want to! Since I have said "Yes", I would keep my words. BUT, when I was doing my job, you weren't going to need any of the things I was using!! Obviously, I would prefer doing my chores on my usual way.

You have a big endpoint. So what? Big endpoint "Dai Sai" ah? Big endpoint doesn't make you the greatest okay? I was already very nice to you, giving you most of the work space. What's more do you want? Most importantly, I was not really in your way anyway! I would have used another work space if you are using my usual work space. But, were you? NO!! A BIG FAT NO!

"I have 70 slides and I need that space!"

*Roll eyes*

Whatever! You don't even have 10 slides on that benchtop at that time and I was just using a small corner which won't even "step" onto your boundary! You asked me why I wanted to do my work there so much. I didn't answer you right on the spot because I think you are god damn dumb to understand how I felt and what I was thinking. Bimbo! Oops, I don't even think I can call you a bimbo! Bimbo is used to describe an attractive, yet unintelligent woman. Too bad, you aren't attractive enough to be a bimbo.

  • I have always use THIS space for ELISA
  • I make up all my reagents HERE
  • I am more comfortable with using the equipment and reagents in HERE
  • I need THIS incubator
  • My antibodies are in THIS fridge
  • I fill in my own tips HERE
  • Everything I needed is in THIS room
  • Who will be so dumb to transfer everything to another lab when you can do all your work in the SAME room? (I bet you are the one)

PS. You can see how angry I am from my word usage
PPS. You said I wasted reagent by pouring it over the plates instead of filling it into a squeezeable bottle first. I have to say you waste gloves by constantly changing gloves in the same lab! I know we should change gloves frequently when dealing with infectious material but I think you are way too over! Oh yea, you would have wasted reagent if you are not skilled in pouring. NOOB!


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