Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Monday, October 22, 2007








Sunday, October 21, 2007

Evan Almighty

So make yourself an ark of cypress wood; make rooms in it and coat it with pitch inside and out.

This is the verse in the book of Genesis, 6:14 where God instructs Noah to build an ark because a flood is coming...

It started with Evan Baxtor (Steve Carell) got elected to Congress. His congressional campaign declared that he would change the world, but he never stated how. On the night that they moved into the new home, Evan prayed to God for helping him to "Change the World". The following days, strange things start to happen.
  • The number 614 appears everywhere he goes
  • Stone age tools and wood planks are sent to his house
  • Animals start following him around
  • He grows a beard that won't go away no matter how many times he shaves
  • Eight vacant lots in his neighborhood are purchased under his name
He soon learns that the number is a verse in the bible - Genesis 6:14

God tells him that the flood will come on September 22 mid-day... His wife, Joan (Lauren Graham), and his three sons left him because of his insane explanation...

Weeks after Joan leaves Evan, God appeared in front of her and told her,
"God does not give things, He gives the opportunity to get things".

God does not give courage, He gives the opportunity to become courageous...

God does not give a family togetherness, He gives the opportunity for families to be together...

Seeing his meaning, Joan returns to Evan to finish the ark together with the help of the three sons. September 22 comes with clear skies, and Evan loads the hundreds of animals onto the newly finished ark in front of live news crews and nearby citizens. Minutes pass with clear skies, so spectators start jeering at him. Dark clouds appear and rain starts pouring down. Evan tells everyone to board the ark but no one listens. The rain suddenly stops and everyone starts laughing at Evan.


Evan thought it couldn't be just that. He suddenly recalled his old colleagues telling him that Congressman Long built a dam over a nearby lake and cut corners to save businesses money. Just then, the poorly built dam bursts and the water flood down the valley... The ark sails down the streets until it eventually stopped in front of the Capitol. He told Congressman Long that the flood was caused by his poorly built dam...

How do we change the world?
God answered, "One Act of Random Kindness at a time..."

Quite meaningful isn't it?

Monday, October 15, 2007

A Fairy Tale

Another Chinese Post...

☆....有些情緒,現在的你如果不知如何分析, 就別分析了吧!....☆

☆....若再繼續糾纏下去, 恐怕只是讓自己更深陷於一團亂局!....☆
☆....再說,現在的你沒有辦法處理, 不代表以後的你也無能為力,....☆


☆....~~試試讓自己暫時遠離這喧鬧的城市 ....☆
☆ ....偶爾享受一下孤獨,與心靈做個溝通~~ ....☆



More Photos!

First Day - Stop by somewhere in ACT (First Group photo Taken)

AP 84 TS - Gosh! My legs look so long!
Cockington Garden - 長不大的小孩
A '吾驚死' kangaroo suddenly jumped across the road
Silence of the Lamb
Just so random
I'm an Angel...
Another rare group photo @ Perisher
Group photo NOT @ Mint

Sunday, October 14, 2007



--> 要求多於鼓勵,更容易狹窄的界定了成功的定義。

Thursday, October 11, 2007

你不能決定生命的長度 但你可以控制它的寬度
你不能左右天氣 但你可以改變心情
你不能改變容貌 但你可以展現笑容
你不能控制他人 但你可以掌握自己
你不能預知明天 但你可以利用今天
你不能樣樣勝利 但你可以事事盡力
脾氣來了 福氣就沒了
先處理心情 再處理事情
生命是上帝給你的禮物 生活是你給上帝的禮物

Monday, October 08, 2007

Canberra Photo Blog

The BEST holiday ever!!

Photos speak more than words!

First Day

- No photos yet -

Second Day

Parliament House Roof Top

Yee Man acting cool

Canberra Milk!!

Hasrie? Hazrie? Argh! Whatever!
Cockington Garden Entrance

HL: Shorty Shorty~
"KaSsy", "HersheY", "HaroLd" & "KatoomBa"

Trespassing Cockington Garden

Cinderella's Castle =p

Third Day

OMG! Eric! You'll catch a cold!!

1,2,3...8,9... eh? One missing!

The three sampats & one keh-leh-feh
The poser
Jesselyn and her snow BooBs!
Obscene Snowman done by Jesselyn and David

Hair too short... Ear too numb...

Final Day

The 5 girls @ The Mint

4 out of 5 guys @ The Mint
War memorial *Respects*

The very last photo of our trip & yes it's not a group photo...