Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Wednesday, January 30, 2008


I was reading XiaXue's entry when I came across this...



and I simply love it!


Monday, January 28, 2008


阿呀... 就是忽然很想你嘛...

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Lucky Charmed

Please, you are stronger than that.
Shamus knew it, and so do I.
He was not a fool.
He gave up his life because he believed saving you was worth the ultimate price.
Shamus was a hero.
He didn't see leprechauns, he saw giants.
And he didn't see luck, he saw power.
Please you've pooled your luck once before. Do it again.
Not for us, but for him.
For Shamus.

Paige Matthews, Charmed Season 5 episode 17

For Shamus!!

Alright, I'm over-reacting...
Aww... Leprechauns, can't I get a bit of good luck here? Please?

Thursday, January 24, 2008


Oh my god! Am I jinxed or what? I'm having a bloody jinxed week!
I'm so pissed and at the same time, feeling depressed.
What on earth is going on with my life?? How can I lose my student ID two times in 3 days!?!
The first time wasn't really "lost". I just left it in the pocket of another pair of pants. BUT the 2nd time, it was really gone!! I have no idea where it went and how it could fall out of my pocket. It has never happened before. I was so sure that I was still holding it at the end of the day and eventually slotted it into my back pocket of my jeans in the office. When I reached home, CRAP! Where the heck is my student ID? It was no longer in my pocket!! What the... Okay, I dug under my bed - NOTHING; I dug into my laundry basket - NOTHING; I dug under my table - NOTHING!!! Oh great... I even dumped everything out of my bag and dug into the pile of mess - NOTHING!! Where have you been!?!?! Don't tell me that it fell out of my pocket in the bus! That means I will never get it back. I gave all my hope to "I must have left it in the office"... In fact, it wasn't even there at all! I went into my drawer, my desk, under the key board, the back of the desk, basically EVERYWHERE - NOTHING! Argh! Sheezel my Deezel (Means oh my god in my language)! I cannot survive without that student ID ok? I NEED that student ID! So, I decided to get a replacement card at a cost of AUD5!

I went to the Hunter HUB early in the morning but what the hell? It's not opened until 9am! =.=" How can that be happening? I thought it should be opened at 8am! Fine then, I have to wait until 9am for the Hunter HUB to open, and queue up for my turn (apparently, many people were already waiting outside for the counter to open). Darn it! When it was my turn, the lady look through the system for a while and told me to pay at the cashier first, then get back to the line again! Gosh, I have to line up again? I thought to myself. Luckily, there was nobody at the cashier, so I went straight up to the counter and get my "fine" paid. Oh gosh, when I was about to pay, they had a problem with their system and just couldn't get into the payment page. *Roll eyes* I waited for at least 20 minutes before they had the system settle. When I was done with the payment, I headed back to the Hunter HUB! WHAT!?! The queue was super duper long! Man, they are so inefficient. I lined up for at least another 30 minutes before getting to me.

I thought, FINALLY! I'll just get a new student ID and get my swipe card access and I can get out of here, back to DMB. The guy went into the system for at least 10 minutes and turned to me saying, "Sorry, I couldn't issue you a new student ID because you are not a student in the uni anymore." Of course, I was not in a very good mood but I still smiled and explained that I had enrolled into School of Biomedical Science (Hons). He was fiddling with the computer for another 10 minutes and ended up leaving the seat for "a while" to ask "someone" about it. *Roll eyes* He came back in another 5~10 minutes and told me that my enrollment might not have been processed yet and so he could not issue me a new student ID. THIS IS JUST SO GREAT! He told me to see this whatever lady who is charge of this before he could issue me a new card. Damn it! I have already submitted my application long ago and they have not even processed it? What is wrong with them? They seriously ARE LAZY! I need my student ID urgently damn it! Apparently, this lady in charge is busy in a meeting now and I don't know how long I have to wait to see her...

I feel so bloody jinxed and unfortunate! Can you hurry up and reply me e-mail?

Friday, January 18, 2008

Anaesthetic overdose

I have sin. I'm in guilt. I killed a mouse. I know I did.

I was practising i.t. on them and the first mouse that went under my hand, died. I was learning how to inject the anaesthetic via the vein in the tail before performing i.t.
Somehow, I just couldn't get it right. I couldn't get the needle into the correct spot - vein. Instead, I kept on poking into their muscle. I must have poked a thousands of holes in its tail, yet I couldn't get it right. I must have injected too much anaesthetic in it which leads to death. As I have been injecting the anaesthetic in the wrong position, I need to refill the needle with sufficient anaesthetic again and again until I get to the correct spot. I must have repeated too many times that I couldn't even count with my ten fingers. The next moment I know, was that I finally got the anaesthetic in, and the mouse was sound asleep. It was so still as if it was dead. I cautiously infected it with spn via i.t and left it lying in the cage. Staring at it, hoping it would wake up from anaesthetic soon. But it did not. It was sleeping so peacefully, like a baby. So cute...
That all happened yesterday.

Until today.......
One mouse out of six died...
I am so sure that the mouse that died is definitely my first practise experimental model. I am so sure it died because of me. It must have died from anaesthetic overdose. I am so sorry mouse. I really am... I pity the mouse being my experimental model. It would not have died if other people did it. I am so sorry. Please rest in peace.

Life is so vulnerable. Really, cherish it.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I hope your hands rot

The person who steal my stuff, I hope your hands rot the hell out of you!
I'm super angry now. People tend to use my stuff without my permission and in the end they even took it and own it themselves. What the hell! I'm so gonna label them -

These are PRIVATE! Do not touch!

Damn it.

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Pissed off

I have already started missing them since I waved goodbye. Day goes by slowly and the feeling of missing home is just soooo terrible. Well, here I am, back to Australia, to the room that I just moved in not long before I went back home. I was away for 3 weeks and it seemed that I was away for 3 months! Everything has changed. Oh god, I’m so gonna move out. I cannot wait to leave this apartment!!

1) Some stuck up bitch switched off the hot water and is willing to “teach” the others how to switch it on if they ask. *Roll eyes* Get a life! What is wrong with you? Who the hell you think you are? Damn you! You can feel how pissed I am right now because I don’t usually use such strong words! And I am so not gonna kneel in front of you, begging how I am suppose to switch that damn hot water on. I rather shower in cold water and slowly figure that out by myself.

2) Next some crazy woman causing so much chaos in the residential area. Oh well, it’s fine with me if she goes crazily throwing her own stuff and keep her crazy act in her own pathetic room. I mean, what is wrong with her? Shattering bowls, plates in the female bathroom and cleaned them out at night? She’s just like making a mess initially and then cleans up the mess that she did as if we will give her credit for that. What? Trying to be a devil then an angel? We don’t buy that, bitch! What’s more? How dare she throw my new pear soap along with my soap box! Can’t she just go fuck herself and leave the other innocent tenants alone?

3) Somebody has been breaking into our cupboard and steal stuff. I don’t know if that was done by the crazy woman or not. I just found out that our sesame oil went missing this morning, along with the new sweet chilli sauce that HL just bought and the leftover coles brand jasmine rice. Great *roll eyes* I’m not only staying under same roof with a stuck up bitch, a crazy lady and also a thief. My ice peach tea also went missing in the fridge. Gosh! I’m just so gonna curse that thief to choke to death drinking my tea! Screw you! If the thief never gets choked to death, he might as well have his hands rot the hell out of him.

I am so in a bad mood now. Once you step on my tail, you die. I mean it.

Sunday, January 06, 2008






到了夜裡,水兒就成了最溫暖的搖籃,他總是輕輕地搖晃,哄著魚兒讓她入睡。在夏天的夜晚裡,水兒總是會將魚兒拖到水面 魚兒漸漸長大了,她發現心裡有一樣東西讓她牽掛--那就是水兒。

一天,魚兒終於鼓足了勇氣告訴了水兒她喜歡他,水兒卻沉默了。「你為什麼不說話?」魚兒問。水仍舊沉默著,只是開始輕輕地搖著頭。 媽媽說魚兒不能愛水。這是大自然的規律,就好像斑馬只能愛斑馬,花豹只能愛花豹;條紋的只能愛條紋,斑點的又只能愛斑點,而斑點卻是永遠不能愛條紋的。



許久, 魚兒的開口打破了沉寂:「你看不見我眼中的淚,因為我在水中。」







六月,火紅的太陽照射著水面,儘管他們做了各種努力,可水兒還是在一點一點的蒸發。魚兒的脊背漸漸地露出了水面,水兒努力地激起了波瀾,濕潤著她的脊背, 不讓太陽將她灼傷。可是這樣,更加加速了水的蒸發。終於,最後的一滴水也離開了魚兒。魚兒躺在了龜裂的土地上,奄奄一息。 魚兒的心臟在完成了最後一次跳動時,一滴眼淚從臉頰滑落。












  我不是魚,你也不是水,我以為我對你的感情不會長久,因為那是一見鍾情 。


