Dinner at Morpeth
Dinner at Morpeth was on Sunday, 23rd April 2006, if I'm not mistaken.
Blogging this almost a week later because... Not to say that I'm lazy, just that I was working on my Syndey Trip Blog and has been busy these 2 days...
Hehehe... Busy doing what?
I just got my bike! Yay!!
A picture of it? Nah.. haven't taken any picture of it yet...
Well, you might see it in my next blog perhaps?
It's not a guarantee anyway... =p
Back to my "story" in Morpeth.
Sis-in-law invited me to their place for some fun after we got back from Sydney.
And yes I was tempted to go there since they have "activities" going on every night.
At least the Room 1 was very happening all night.
On Saturday, sis-in-law sent 2 body guards from Morpeth to accompany me there - Dai Lou & Hock Luck. Well, they were at the forum playing badminton that's why.
Surprisingly William was there too. I actually feel very bad when three of them have to push their bikes just to compromise the no-bike-poor-cin. (I got mine now!! Yay!!)
Hock Luck even offered to help carrying my things!! Thanks a bunch! Not to forget, it was a cold night.
That night, the boys had already planned to watch football. Since I was there, sis-in-law convinced Dai Lou not to go, but then we felt bad forcing him to play with us with a sobbing face. Hahaha!! Alas, we decided to wait for them to come back from the football match.
While waiting, sis-in-law was pampering herself with nail polish & I was online, killing time. Our activity officially started at 1 am after the boys came back.
That night, we played till dawn - 5am.
--> Chor Dai D & Dai Fu Wong
2nd Day in Morpeth, was the most happening day. The main topic actually - Dinner at Morpeth.
This evening, sis-in-law, Dai Lou, Hock Luck & I cycled to Coles to get our dinner ingredients. (Where on earth I got the bike from you may ask? It was Juvin's. She wasn't around & I actually didn't get her permission personally to borrow it but through sis-in-law, through Monita... What a long process!!)
So, at this point, I should thank Juvin? Thank sis-in-law? Thank Monita? Hmm... just thanks to all of them...
Anywayz, on the way to Coles, I found something just not right with the bike. The handle was bobbly. I stopped and realised that the handle was not tighten and was very loose. What to do? Dai Lou didn't have any tools with him too... so... Hehehe... Guess what? I managed to cycle all the way to coles safely with the wobbly handle. (Tell you a secret, Shhh... Don't let others know... I nearly fell off the bike a couple of times!! Hahahaha!!)
Shopping took us quite a while because there were too many varieties and we did not know what to buy.
On the way back, the whole handle bar slipped out and and and... I nearly fell off once again but this time Hock Luck saw that!! OMG! Super embarassing. Luckily, there wasn't other people around... Or else I guess they will laugh till heads off... tumble on the floor like mad.
The way the handle slipped was REALLY funny!! Even me, myself was laughing like mad.
Hock Luck, being very nice, (I have to mention this!!) said, " Do you wanna switch with me?" OMG!! *touched* *cries* saviour!!!
Yup, we swtiched bikes on the return trip. Thanks Hock Luck!!
Of course, I can't let him carry the grocery... not with that handle right?
When we reach "home", their home, 4 of us started preparing for the dinner.
Dai Lou was in charge of the mash potatoes, Hock Luck was in charge of baking fries and the tenderloin, sis-in-law was in charge of the lamb chop and I was in charge of EATING! LOLz... I was actually in charge of some small small things, like chopping lettuce for our Wrappa, the gravy, our mushroom soup... But then, sis-in-law did most of it.
Maybe they just wouldn't trust my cooking? haha!! Burn down their kitchen perhaps?
Look at the delicious dishes!!

Chips! Dai Lou, Hock Luck & I were munching them while sis-in-law was busy cooking the lamb chop.

Tenderloins for our Wrappa & Sausages!!

2 of the lamb chops that sis-in-law pan fried. There are 4 other pieces being grilled in the oven.

Dai Lou's mash potatoes! 1 word - Chun!

Tenderloin from Chickadee. Apparantly equivalent to RedLea... Made Wrappa out of it with sis-in-law & Dai Lou's sweet chilli, Hock Luck's mayonnaise & cheese. Not to forget, the lettuce I cut!

The food we have for 4 of us...

Different angle of the food...
Yup!! This was a great dinner.
We gossip till 12am with lotsa jokes and horror stories.
I cannot stop laughing when Dai Lou came out with this female vampire driving a red kancil story. What chills me the most was Hock Luck's story where a guy was chased by a pontianak while cycling and sis-in-law's story about 2 pontianaks sucking this husband's blood.
After dinner was the washing up. I did some of the plates, but then Dai Lou told us that he will finish up the rest, so I went to take my beauty bath 1st.
That night, they switched their duty with Monita & Kaartini because they are leaving home at 2am to catch a train at 3 sth to Sydney to fetch Juvin from the airport.
After cleaning up the kitchen, we all gathered at Room 1, started our games!
Chor Dai D!! OMG!! Cannot believe that I'm still not fed up with the game!!
We played till 4am & felt hungry, so we went for another wrappa! Gosh!! The wrappa was divine!!
After a short "breakfast", we continued gaming in Room 5... till... erm... 8.30am!!!
LOLZzz!! Imagine the sun was shining brightly outside and we were just about to sleep. Yeapz... that day we all woke up at 3pm and had a short football session before it started raining.
Guess this holiday was really great with all these happening events in Morpeth! Thanks for the invitation & I really had fun in your place!
Blogging this almost a week later because... Not to say that I'm lazy, just that I was working on my Syndey Trip Blog and has been busy these 2 days...
Hehehe... Busy doing what?
I just got my bike! Yay!!
A picture of it? Nah.. haven't taken any picture of it yet...
Well, you might see it in my next blog perhaps?
It's not a guarantee anyway... =p
Back to my "story" in Morpeth.
Sis-in-law invited me to their place for some fun after we got back from Sydney.
And yes I was tempted to go there since they have "activities" going on every night.
At least the Room 1 was very happening all night.
On Saturday, sis-in-law sent 2 body guards from Morpeth to accompany me there - Dai Lou & Hock Luck. Well, they were at the forum playing badminton that's why.
Surprisingly William was there too. I actually feel very bad when three of them have to push their bikes just to compromise the no-bike-poor-cin. (I got mine now!! Yay!!)
Hock Luck even offered to help carrying my things!! Thanks a bunch! Not to forget, it was a cold night.
That night, the boys had already planned to watch football. Since I was there, sis-in-law convinced Dai Lou not to go, but then we felt bad forcing him to play with us with a sobbing face. Hahaha!! Alas, we decided to wait for them to come back from the football match.
While waiting, sis-in-law was pampering herself with nail polish & I was online, killing time. Our activity officially started at 1 am after the boys came back.
That night, we played till dawn - 5am.
--> Chor Dai D & Dai Fu Wong
2nd Day in Morpeth, was the most happening day. The main topic actually - Dinner at Morpeth.
This evening, sis-in-law, Dai Lou, Hock Luck & I cycled to Coles to get our dinner ingredients. (Where on earth I got the bike from you may ask? It was Juvin's. She wasn't around & I actually didn't get her permission personally to borrow it but through sis-in-law, through Monita... What a long process!!)
So, at this point, I should thank Juvin? Thank sis-in-law? Thank Monita? Hmm... just thanks to all of them...
Anywayz, on the way to Coles, I found something just not right with the bike. The handle was bobbly. I stopped and realised that the handle was not tighten and was very loose. What to do? Dai Lou didn't have any tools with him too... so... Hehehe... Guess what? I managed to cycle all the way to coles safely with the wobbly handle. (Tell you a secret, Shhh... Don't let others know... I nearly fell off the bike a couple of times!! Hahahaha!!)
Shopping took us quite a while because there were too many varieties and we did not know what to buy.
On the way back, the whole handle bar slipped out and and and... I nearly fell off once again but this time Hock Luck saw that!! OMG! Super embarassing. Luckily, there wasn't other people around... Or else I guess they will laugh till heads off... tumble on the floor like mad.
The way the handle slipped was REALLY funny!! Even me, myself was laughing like mad.
Hock Luck, being very nice, (I have to mention this!!) said, " Do you wanna switch with me?" OMG!! *touched* *cries* saviour!!!
Yup, we swtiched bikes on the return trip. Thanks Hock Luck!!
Of course, I can't let him carry the grocery... not with that handle right?
When we reach "home", their home, 4 of us started preparing for the dinner.
Dai Lou was in charge of the mash potatoes, Hock Luck was in charge of baking fries and the tenderloin, sis-in-law was in charge of the lamb chop and I was in charge of EATING! LOLz... I was actually in charge of some small small things, like chopping lettuce for our Wrappa, the gravy, our mushroom soup... But then, sis-in-law did most of it.
Maybe they just wouldn't trust my cooking? haha!! Burn down their kitchen perhaps?
Look at the delicious dishes!!

Chips! Dai Lou, Hock Luck & I were munching them while sis-in-law was busy cooking the lamb chop.

Tenderloins for our Wrappa & Sausages!!

2 of the lamb chops that sis-in-law pan fried. There are 4 other pieces being grilled in the oven.

Dai Lou's mash potatoes! 1 word - Chun!

Tenderloin from Chickadee. Apparantly equivalent to RedLea... Made Wrappa out of it with sis-in-law & Dai Lou's sweet chilli, Hock Luck's mayonnaise & cheese. Not to forget, the lettuce I cut!

The food we have for 4 of us...

Different angle of the food...
Yup!! This was a great dinner.
We gossip till 12am with lotsa jokes and horror stories.
I cannot stop laughing when Dai Lou came out with this female vampire driving a red kancil story. What chills me the most was Hock Luck's story where a guy was chased by a pontianak while cycling and sis-in-law's story about 2 pontianaks sucking this husband's blood.
After dinner was the washing up. I did some of the plates, but then Dai Lou told us that he will finish up the rest, so I went to take my beauty bath 1st.
That night, they switched their duty with Monita & Kaartini because they are leaving home at 2am to catch a train at 3 sth to Sydney to fetch Juvin from the airport.
After cleaning up the kitchen, we all gathered at Room 1, started our games!
Chor Dai D!! OMG!! Cannot believe that I'm still not fed up with the game!!
We played till 4am & felt hungry, so we went for another wrappa! Gosh!! The wrappa was divine!!
After a short "breakfast", we continued gaming in Room 5... till... erm... 8.30am!!!
LOLZzz!! Imagine the sun was shining brightly outside and we were just about to sleep. Yeapz... that day we all woke up at 3pm and had a short football session before it started raining.
Guess this holiday was really great with all these happening events in Morpeth! Thanks for the invitation & I really had fun in your place!