Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Monday, July 16, 2007

I miss...

Second Post of the day...

I miss Cherry...
I have lost contact with her...
What if we met up one day?
What will be my reaction?
Cry? Joy of tears?
Scream out of joy?
Sigh... I don't know.
I miss her...
I miss her skating lessons...
I miss her screaming at me for not doing my footwork, jumps, spins or whatsoever correctly...
I miss her shouting at me until all the people in pyramid can hear it (though it was embarrassing)...
I miss crying after gotten scolded by her
I miss her for not just being a coach but also like an elder sister who cares for us!
I regretted for not taking more photos with her...
I regretted for not having any photos with her in my hands...
I regretted for throwing tantrum when she was too harsh on me... BUT I miss her mad voice now...
Argh! I just miss her...
How is she now?
Hope she is happy with her marriage... =)
I've made a promise that I'll become a doctor and be her family doctor.
AND I'm gonna keep this promise now.
I have to work harder to get into medicine... mainly because this is my dream.
I'm gonna find her... I have to find her...
My mom misses her...
My sister misses her too...
This time I will never let her disappear anymore...
I will find her!

I think I'm getting more and more emo... *haha*

PS. 沒良心的壞老男人,你也快回來吧!我也很想念你那張白癡的樣子!!哈哈哈!我等你回來補唱生日歌給我聽!!

PPS. Kazu! I miss you too!!

It's a small small world

Ok... I heard this from Sze Yee.

1) Yu Wooi's friend, Nicholas' sister is Cherish's friend.
2) Lilian stays in the same apartment as Yu Wooi's friend, Nicholas.

In another words, everyone knows everyone!!!

Friday, July 13, 2007


OMG! I passed my exams!!
Well, Advance molecular science was abit disappointing... one more mark to a Distinction but... nevermind~ (actually I do mind)
Neuroscience! I passed neuroscience! I simply can't believe it! Although it was just a credit, I guess I'm satisfied. I had low expectation on this subject due to the questions I came across during the exam. Really, a credit is too good to be true! Thank GOD! I know I DID study really hard for this and I deserve way more just then a Pass... However, what makes me disappointed was the questions that came out during the exams which made me so worried until today after I checked my results.

一分耕耘,一分收穫... If we really tried our best and put in all the effort, I'm sure we'll get something in return! (I know it's like saying something big after knowing you have achieved your goal...)

Oh gosh! I don't know how to describe this feeling... It's just like winning a beauty peagent contest (don't really know how that feels like. *haha*), winning an ice skating competition... er.. all this refers to the neuroscience exam!

As for Advance Molecular Science... disappointing actually... wasted! Great! Just one more mark and I could get a Distinction! BUT... thinking on the bright side, I passed a 20 credit unit subject! Isn't this a good news?

I know people tend to be greedy. First, you will wish for a pass... Then you ask for more! Why not a credit? Why not a Distinction? Why not a High Distinction? This is how I am feeling now...

If we set our goals lower, we won't be so stressed, and we will be happier! So why not think in this way, "I passed! Hurray!!" *Full stop* Probably this is how the Chinese thinks... if we do, we have to do the best, I want to do better than everyone else and this will become a never ending competition between each other. This is the way how we I was being brought up. Chinese Schools are just full of competition... A slight decrement in academic results will make you feel so bad, so guilty, feel so useless...

Cut those craps! I passed. YAY! Hurray! I don't want to think anymore! =)

Thursday, July 12, 2007


Oh gosh! This is the best holiday EVER! Really is! Of course, it will never be so good without Albert and Twe's visit! This post will be mainly photos... lazy to write so much and photos tell the best story! =)

Albert & Twe!!

Crazy Act 1

Crazy Act 2

Crazy Act 3

We are wet, cold & hungry...

Jess's favourite photo

Sydney Metro Apartment

The three girls @ Star City (outside casino)

The guys @ Star City

Goodbye Albert!

After Albert left, I felt sad... without any reason, I just feel depressed... The same old feeling when Albert left Subang that evening... Yea, I hate this feeling. Sending a friend off is just soooo depressing! I cannot imagine how I would react when I'm leaving Newcastle, saying goodbye to all my friends OR should I say when my friends are leaving Newcastle, saying goodbye to them... Anyway, I've just pick myself up from the depression... no worries, didn't take any drugs. What drug was that? Tricyclic antidepressant? *CHUP* enough of pharmacology. Yup, Albert! I'll go find you in Tasmania next year, with Jesselyn. =)

PS. The itch caused by the shrimps definitely worth the price!

PPS. Jesselyn, it doesn't seem so bad because it was all covered up by my clothing and to be honest, it really wasn't that bad comparing to my MAJOR allergy that time...

Monday, July 09, 2007

離家不遠 - 南拳媽媽

I'm addicted to this song...
Been listening to it before, during and after my exams...
Oh~ I miss home... felt like going back to Malaysia... not just for 2 weeks but never to be back! Hahaha... I miss my family...

隨著成長 遠離家鄉 回頭遙望 我滿肩堅強
為了夢想 振翅飛翔 怎麼遺忘 熟悉的家鄉

When you feel the slip
When you start to crack
When it's all to hell
Know I have your back
Whether right or wrong
Is beside the point
'Cause we're more than blood

背起了行囊 我翻越熟悉的牆
在腦海傾注 滿溢整缸的夢想
成就的模樣 我總不停的想像
怎麼卻忘了 母親想念的風霜

當我張開翅膀 試圖往夢裡闖 時間卻不經意 迷失家的方向
當我滿載成就 回頭向起點望 灰塵佈滿翅膀 飛不回那扇窗

想像遠方 絢爛星光 鐘聲敲醒 如茵的艷陽
為了夢想 我選擇翱翔 怎麼換回 淡淡的憂傷


When you feel the slip
When you start to crack
When it's all to hell
Know I have your back
Whether right or wrong
Is beside the point
'Cause we're more than blood

背起了行囊 我翻越熟悉的牆
在腦海傾注 滿溢整缸的夢想
成就的模樣 我總不停的想像
怎麼卻忘了 母親想念的風霜

當我張開翅膀 試圖往夢裡闖 時間卻不經意 迷失家的方向
當我滿載成就 回頭向起點望 灰塵佈滿翅膀 飛不回那扇窗

如果你記得方向 家就在不遠前方 只有家的燈光比夜空中的星星還亮
要是你迷失方向 想找個地方流浪 家永遠在你的身旁

太陽才交替月亮 星星又籠罩了窗 爸媽斑駁的鬢角訴說了逝去的時光
就算沒地方流浪 只要你記得方向 家永遠在你的身旁

當我張開翅膀 試圖往夢裡闖 時間卻不經意 迷失家的方向
當我滿載成就 回頭向起點望 灰塵佈滿翅膀 飛不回那扇窗

當我張開翅膀 時間卻不經意 迷失家的方向
當我滿載成就 灰塵佈滿翅膀 飛不回那扇窗

Thursday, July 05, 2007

I am one lucky girl...

I am one lucky girl... I really am...
Remember I mentioned about the birthday celebration yesterday? Today, there was ANOTHER celebration by other friends - Jesselyn, Jun Shi, Serene and Albert. (well, Hock Luck, Kwang Hong and Kim Fei celebrated twice with me! *hehehe*)

Anyway, it wasn't a surprise anymore after they persuaded me to go for dinner with them tonight for the sake of a second birthday celebration. BUT! What surprised me the most was the BIRTHDAY PRESENTS!! I've gotten an awesome present from Jesselyn as well as another GREAT one from Jun Shi and Serene. Thank you girls~ you are so sweeeeeeeet! I really don't know what to say but thank you thank you and thank you.

Let the photos do the talking then..

My three lovely angels

The Taylor's F4... Fantastic 4?

ALBERT!! All the way from Tasmania!!

The guys tonight

My angels tonight...

Present from Serene & Jun Shi

Present from Jesselyn

Am I not lucky? I appreciate the things you have done for me, my angels... This includes the guys as well ok? Thank you Jesselyn, Serene, Jun Shi, Albert, Hock Luck, Kim Fei and Kwang Hong. Of course I have to thank those friends who celebrated with me yesterday! Thank Thank Thank Thank Thank You!! Can't neglect those friends who has only sent their wishes too! Thank you so much for remembering my birthday!

PS. Hock Luck, I still want the star!
PPS. 沒良心的壞老男人,我等你回來唱歌給我聽!!!

4th July 2007

Mom. Dad. Katty. Jay. Uncle Hong Ming. Kevin.Jenny. Amy. Benjamin Lim. Benedict Lee. Hock Luck. Yu Wooi. Fritz. Tian Mun. Yee Man. Jesselyn. Serene. Jun Shi. Kwang Hong. Sein Hon. Kim Fei. William Wo. Melvin Wong. Melvin Low. Wai May. Jacky. Julian. Jessie. Aida. Anusha. Annette. Sze Yee. Wen Ya. Diana. Albert. Raymond. Zi Jie.... and many more other people...

Thank you for your wishes! *Bow*

I'm officially 21 already. Ya, I know... I'm old.
I wasn't expecting any celebrations at the first place, thinking of just treating my housemates for lunch will do for the day. However, those available friends made my birthday memorable AND because of THEM, which made it so special.

Prezzies? Oh come on! I've never expect anything from them! Their companion is already the best gift for my birthday. What more should I ask for? (Oh, HL! I know you won't be reading this BUT I want a ribbon or star or whatsoever it is called.) Yet, I have received wonderful gifts from them. First of all, a box of chocolate from the Forrest Street and Heaton Street Residents. And secondly, expensive MAX BRENNER chocolate all the way from Melbourne from my housemates. Not to forget to mention, the cute little doll? Err... What should I call it? I don't know... Anyway, it's cute.

Had some card games or should I say drinking games. They were totally killing me ok? I don't have a high tolerance for alcohol at the first place and they were trying by any means to get me to drink! Darn it! (Tian Mun~ you saved my arse for the last round) OH and this "seven up" game, where we have to count starting from 1 till infinity? I suppose? We can't get that far anyway. Once a person breaks the rule, he gotta drink and the count start from 1 again. The rule is simple - a person should know count the number related to multiples of SEVEN or something WITH SEVEN but should replace the number that he/she was counting with "UP". After "UP", the counting continues in a reverse direction. i.e. 1->2->3->4->5->6->UP->8 (reverse to the person who said 6)

Oh! But we made our own rules this time. We used EIGHT instead of seven (though we started it with seven) and the forbidden numbers were replace with "DENG" instead of up. Ya... so DENG DENG DENG DENG DENG all the way when you reach 80!

Had photo taking sessions of course! Hey this is compulsory alright? Thanks to Tian Mun and Yu Wooi's camera, since my battery died long time ago without knowing. Ya and I think I was a bit high or should I say it in a more scientific manner - anxiolytic effect... *gg* Yu Wooi's gonna kill me for this.

My Unagi from the Japanese Restaurant...

10 of us in the Japanese Restuarant. What was it called again? I can't recall. Not many of them but JE SUIS CONTENTE!

The Girls

The Guys (For once the guys outnumbered the girls)

Group photo after the drinking game. Everyone was high... especially THL! Look! WHAT IS THAT!?!

Er.. guess that's all for now! Thank you everyone for making my birthday so special and memorable.

PS. 沒良心的壞老男人,你還欠我兩首生日歌!