Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Final Seminar & Pub Night (14th Nov 2008)

I could have started blogging about my final seminar and the pub night celebration long ago, since there are no anticipating photos anyway. I was just lazy okay? Come on! Give me a break from work, internet, computer, journals, etc!

I've never felt so relaxed before right after my seminar. I told myself, "I'm gonna get drunk tonight!!" For those who know me should know that I am not a drinker nor a clubber/pubber. Even if I were at the pub, I always order lemonade. But that night, I decided to reach out for something more. *Hahaha*

We celebrated with members of Hansbro and Foster lab at The Grand near DMB. Supervisors left early but before they left, Nicole told Emma and Sophie, "Make sure you get these two kids drunk tonight." *pointing to me and HL*

In fact, I was already feeling tipsy when I left Apollo International. That was because I sorta gulped in 2 glasses of champagne within an hour. It might sound nothing to regular drinkers but it's a record for me. Usually it could take me up to one whole night just to finish a glass of alcohol. When I reached The Grand, Eric bought me a glass of "Fruit Tingle", which is a cocktail, containing blue curacao liqueur, vodka, lemonade, etc. I sort of liked it! Sweet and fruity cocktail. Emma then bought me another drink which is called the "Puppet Smurf" (I guess this is the name) but the bartender gave me another Fruit Tingle. A Fruit Tingle without lemonade but substituted with pineapple juice. Well, according to them, that wasn't a Puppet Smurf. The bartender had no idea what she was doing.

Anyway, I finished that "pirated" Puppet Smurf in the end and was forced to drink another 3 or 4 glasses of champagne. Surprisingly, I was perfectly fine. Wow! I do have high tolerance for alcohol. After that, we "crawled" to another pub and continued drinking there. I was being forced to drink another glass of wine, but I totally disliked it. I remembered drinking that once and I felt so uncomfortable right after I reach home. I dislike the taste, dislike how it made my stomach heaty, so in the end I refused to drink it.

They then planned to move on to the Brewery. Due to some private reasons, HL and I did not go. Instead, we walked to McD in Market Town, where Eric and Adeline were, for supper. Coincidently, we ran into Lin Kooi, KH and Eric Chan or should I say, they ran into us. This supper went on and on and on until 5 in the morning.

By the time we reached home, it's almost sun rise!!! I was still very conscious and energetic.


"I'm gonna get drunk tonight!!"


Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I'm back!!!

After almost 2 weeks of slacking and relaxing at home internetless, I'm back!! I have so many things to blog about but I have not uploaded any photos that I've taken.

I should list some exciting events that you can anticipate from my posts.

1) Final Seminar + Pub Night
2) Adeline's Birthday Dinner
3) Sydney one-day trip
4) Jesselyn's visit to Newcastle

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

I got in...


I got in...

But I don't feel excited at all.
Probably it's like what Yu Wooi said, "Because you are looking forward to PhD!"

Praying hard for the scholarship outcome for PhD!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Wahahaha!! Arsenal beat Man U!!
I was sort of expecting 0:3 (nil for Arsenal, 3 for Man U)...
Well, Arsenal played quite badly this season plus 3 main players were injured so...
HL even expected a 0:5!!
Apparently, they played pretty well in this game... or maybe I should say Man U didn't play that well... Most probably Arsenal was pressured playing against Man U, so they really put in effort in playing this game. At least they play as a team this time!

Catching up, catching up!!


Wednesday, November 05, 2008


Wow... I just realised that there are so many people stalking my blog!!
Hmm, maybe this is a good thing! Hahahaha...

What I meant by "stalking" is those people who enters quietly and left without leaving their footprints - Lisa and KH in particular. *Caught cha*

I have to be very careful in blogging now. Can't talk behind people's back. *wink wink*

I wonder how many more unknown stalkers there are...

Monday, November 03, 2008


I'm sharing this entry to every reader of my blog (who obviously know how to read chinese). This post is adapted completely copy & paste from 貴婦奈奈的福態日記. One of her very long ago posts...

1. 如果你在胡亂心跳的時候跟一個男人獨處而決定交往,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

2. 如果符合【他其實沒那麼喜歡你】那些點而且你也常被氣得要死的男友跟你提分手,你卻想要挽回,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

3. 如果這人是你的網友,你們只在網路上聊過天,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

4. 如果你跟他是在朋友起鬨時湊合的,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

5. 如果你被英雄救美,你砰砰跳想要以身相許,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

6. 如果對方幫了你大忙,你感謝的無體投地想要以身相許,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

7. 如果對方講了非常多讚美你的話,讓你心花怒放,好像他是你的fan,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

8. 如果對方四下無人突然跟你表白,你害羞的心臟砰砰跳,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

9. 如果對方在暗巷突然勾你的肩、摸你的頭、牽你的手,你沒有拒絕,你害羞的心臟砰砰跳,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

10. 如果有人跟你玩四目相接誰先笑的遊戲,可是卻深情款款的看著你,你害羞的心臟砰砰跳,你其實沒那麼喜歡他。

Sunday, November 02, 2008

Hock Luckapaedia 2008 October edition

Miss Hock Luckapedia? We are back! Actually this happened a few weeks back. Probably almost a month ago, so it is still under October edition.

8) Not feeling hungry yet felt like eating something means YOU ARE PREGNANT!
9) International student are not suppose to understand what the locals are saying

Scenario 1
Me: I'm feeling hungry.
HL: You ate so much during lunch, still hungry?
Me: Actually not hungry laR... Just felt like munching something...
HL: Pregnant ar?
Me: What? Like that also pregnant ar? Is that your new theory?

Scenario 2
Me: What does this mean?
What is that?
One of the question in the form.
What form?
Offer acceptance form.
Oh, I never read.
*After a while*

We are International student, not suppose to understand what they say.

PS. Hurry up & pass up your thesis!! I'm so bored and lonely!!
