Cinderella ~ My Fairy Tale ~

I'm perfect because God made me!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Does Appearance really matter?

Yesterday, after talking to a friend (I won't reveal who this person is), I wanted to ask everyone, "Does appearance really matter?"
This friend of mine was saying, no matter how great a person's inner beauty is, he will not consider going after her if she did not have the outer beauty.
It is somewhat true as appearance is the first thing you see. Your first impression of a person comes from the appearance. Inner beauty will always come last after you get to know the person well.
Even though I kept on emphasising that I look at inner beauty, I will not stop praising a good-looking guy if I see one. Especially if that guy has an attracting smile like David Went!

Does appearance really matter?
Honestly, I cannot give an exact answer.

Appearance does not just consist of how a person looks like. It also includes how a person present him/herself to the public, such as dressing. I wouldn't like to date a guy who doesn't comb his hair or brush his teeth! Thinking about it, ewwww!!
This is the most basic steps of presenting yourself. Brand of clothes a person wears doesn't matter! As long as you dress up neatly and smartly, it will be good enough.

Fat, thin or muscular?
This is also part of the appearance. Some people prefers fatter people, some thinner and some muscular. Well, I don't think body build is a big problem.

There are people who are tall, who are short. Some are due to genetic factors, some environmental. So, does height matter? My answer is no but on the other hand yes. Contradicting? Hmm.. I think I wouldn't mind dating a guy who is 150cm if I were maybe <150cm or even 150cm. Get what I mean? I don't mind whether a guy is short but I do mind if he is shorter than me. I think guys mind as well right?

So, does appearance matter?
I guess appearance does add more credits to a person, however, inner beauty is still what I seek for.

Monday, July 24, 2006

Foreign Particles... (Re-edited - addition on zeroth case)

I wanted to blog about this quite a while ago and guess it is the time for me to do so today. Do you believe in another dimension? Well, yes I do.
People may laugh at me saying, "As a science student, you actually believe in such kind of nonsense that cannot be proven?"
Yes! I'm a science student but there are a lot of things that science cannot prove. It's just like "Do you believe that there's other living creatures in outer space?"
My answer is once again yes! Let's think about it. Look at the universe! It's so-to-the-infinity-big!! There might be other living creatures living so far outer space that we cannot even reach! It is found that the planet, Mars, has water and I'm sure there are many more planets that we have not discovered yet do have water. Water brings life and how can you say that living creatures do not exist in outer space?

Anyway, my main topic is foreign particles. Foreign particles here refers to those from another dimension. Like what sis-in-law said, "Maybe the 'foreign particles' from the other dimension thinks that we ARE the foreign particles!"

However, I'll call them the foreign particles for the time being, since they are from the other dimension. Hmm... or simply "Venus". There's a story behind the name of this foreign particle but I won't go into details. What inspired me of blogging regarding this topic was the creepy incidents I've gone through for the past few weeks.

Case one:
Recalling the first day of sleepover at Morpeth, I woke up past 12. I heard noises from the kitchen and I'm very sure the noises were produced from cutlery. So, I went in but found noone. Maybe it was either dai lou, sis-in-law or Hock Luck, I thought. However, they said they were all downstairs. So, I assumed that I heard wrongly. Nevertheless, I still hear the sound from the kitchen nearly everyday and SURPRISINGLY I wasn't afraid at all!

Case two:
One evening, sis-in-law suddenly said, "Umm.. the fan and the lights are on again." I still didn't get what she was trying to say, just thinking that someone might have switched it on. BUT! After their "cannot-explain-theory", the conclusion was nobody DID! Come on! There were only 4 of us in the house, if I didn't do it, she didn't do it, HL didn't do it, Dai Lou didn't do it, WHO DID IT?

Case three:
This day, sis-in-law and dai lou took the early train to Sydney, leaving HL and me at home. So, the two "mutant ninja turtles" (Gosh!! Dai Lou!! Why am I a ninja turtle??) were gaming the whole night until the following noon. Hmpff! Completely exhausted after almost 24 hours being awake. So, we went to bed. Eh!! Just to be CLEAR! He went to his bed, I went to "my" bed (sis-in-law's bed actually). 1 or 2 hours after I fell asleep, sis-in-law called. After chatting with her, I heard noises from the kitchen again! This time, it was totally different. It was the opening and the closing of the cupboards and drawers. Sigh, I know you guys will definitely explain as "HL woke up and was hungry, searching for food to eat!" But that wasn't the case! I went into the kitchen and found noone. There were only two of us in the house, who else can it be?

Case four:
(Back in Baraheineban)
A couple of days ago, my roommate went out at night and did not come back. I was alone in the room chatting with Jesselyn, Kim Fei and Wen Ya. Half way chatting, I felt like using the toilet but just when I stood up, I heard the water closet flushed by itself! Ok, in this case, I was totally freaked out! I'm alone afterall!! It's not like in Morpeth, at least there were someone (not venus!) else with me in the house! I slowly walked towards the bathroom and heard the water closet refilling. Oh my goodness! I'm so sure that I wasn't dream at all! Others said it might be from my neighbour or residents from upstairs. BUT I say "IMPOSSIBLE"! Why not?
No 1. There is no neighbour on the "toilet side".
No 2. The toilet of my other neighbour is on the opposite side which is 100% impossible to hear any flushing!
No 3. I can differentiate the sound between MY TOILET and the toilet of the residents above my room. Besides, I've never heard any "flushings" from above since the beginning of the year.

Yup, these are the 4 cases so far.
Somehow had this feeling that "Venus" has followed me from Morpeth back to Bara. =p
Anyway, in conclusion, does foreign particles really exist?
It's up to whether you want to believe or not.
Well, I do.

After I've posted this, I suddenly recalled that there is actually a 5th case.
This 5th case can be said as the 1st one since it happened before the holidays, during our exams. Maybe I'll call it the zeroth case...
This day, while both my roommate and I were studying for our exams, I heard someone knocking on our door. Therefore, I rushed to the door and opened it. To my surprise, there was noone, and my roommate said she heard noone knocking on the door.

A few days later, while we were studying again, I heard the knock again. This time, I turned to my roommate and stared at her. She turned to me and stared at me.
We asked each other, "Did you hear someone knocking on the door?"
When both of us confirmed hearing the knock, I went to open the door.
There was NOBODY!
Well, you can say that I heard wrongly on the first time, but how could you say that both of us heard wrongly the second time?

Yea, you may say its a prank. Somebody might want to scare us, therefore hide immediately after the knock. But I was so sure that the knock was not just once but a few times. Moreover, there's a flyscreen in front of the door. Before a person can knock on the door, the flyscreen has to be opened. However, there was no sign of it being opened or closed.

Another few days later, while I was having my headphones on, my roommate turned to me and ask, "Did you hear someone knocking on the door?"
I said, "No, why? You heard it?"
Most probably I had my headphones on and could not hear it but one thing we were sure was that there was nobody outside when we opened the door.

I know, I know. You guys may say we heard wrongly, but won't you find it creepy when both of us heard the knock but there was nobody actually?

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Snow in Newcastle

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle all the way~

Rudolph the red-nose reindeer, had a very shiny nose~

Joy to the world~

We wish you a Merry Christmas~

You better watch out, you better not cry~

Does the above lyrics remind you of Christmas?
Well, duh! They are christmas songs!
It's July and yet it's cold. Yea!! It's winter in Australia!!
In fact, it won't drop to freezing point where rain turns into snow in Newcastle,
but for heaven's sake "Snow in Newcastle"!?!?!
There's a story behind this.

I went to Morpeth again this day as Wen Ya invited me over for nasi lemak!!
Wow!! Nasi Lemak in Australia!!
I didn't want to go there empty-handed, so I cooked rendang chicken.
The "lunch" lasted for 4+ hours accompanied with horror stories and whatever creepy incidents we've encountered.

After the meal, we've decided to watch "Red Eye" at night. So, I stoned in Room 5 and 7 for a while until Sze Yee said she wanted to cook something to eat.
I know this sounds quite irrelevant, but it is linked to the "snow".
So.. after they finished their meal and decided to watch "Red Eye", Sze Yee asked, "Why the freezer cannot close one?"
We found out that it was due to the layer of thick ice accumulated in the freezer.
So Dai Lou took a stick and started hitting it.
"Tong Tong Tong!"
"Knock Knock Knock!"
"Bang Bang Bang!"
Making all sort of noises
Can you imagine that the layer of ice is so thick that it can fill up more than 3 buckets??
Anyway, Morpeth ended up having a mini snow mountain in the balcony at the end of the session.

Sis-in-law and Dai Lou holding a small portion of the ice!

It's seriously cold!!

Trust me! It's super cold!

Well, since we've maken a mess in the kitchen, we might as well clean it. So, 6 of us co-operated and clean the kitchen up.
This is where the disappointment begins and yet the fun starts as well.
"Red Eye" has no English subtitle and therefore it's a DISAPPOINTMENT! You know~ the anticipation towards this movie!!! Turned the horror-movie lovers down!!!
BUT! We still had fun playing Taboo.

We were splitted into 2 groups - Dai Lou, sis-in-law and Sze Yee in one group while Wen Ya, Hock Luck and I in another.
Next, moving on to choosing group name.
Dai Lou's team was called "Coconut"! Let me show you a picture, then you will know why!

Looks like a coconut doesn't he?

Our team is called "Anything". Story behind the name? Very simple, Hock Luck said, "Anything."
So, the competition was between the "Coconuts" and the "Anythings".

For those who does not know what Taboo is:
It is a game which a person from a group will have to pick a card from a pile of them. This person will have to describe the word without using the taboo words stated and let his teammates guess. If he used the taboo words or decided to skip to the next word, a mark will be deducted. Of course, each trial will be timed and the group can guess as many words as they can within the time limit.

So who won?
The coconuts!
They beat us by one mark at the end.
36 vs 35!!!
Yup, that's all for the fun!

Saturday, July 22, 2006

Role Playing

This is an event organised by "Abel Vox", the Imperial guild leader. It is so called the "Role Playing" week. Basically it was a week in which we played our characters RO Storys in game. So, this is how it goes.

CharacterName: *~Cinderella~*

Character Age: 20

Hair Color: Red

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Height: 5'5

Weight: 40kg

Signature Weapon: Bible

Physical Description: Priestess. No make-up, wearing a purple dress with a cross at chest. Holding a Bible, wears a rosary with a biretta on head.

Mental Description: Smart and helpful.

Cinderella was borned to be royal. Due to wars, she was sent to Prontera Church as a hideout. Everyday, all she sees were wounded soldiers. As time goes by, more injured soldiers were sent into the church. What she can do was to watch them suffer, until one day, she devoted herself to god. She started her training as an acolyte, helping in healing and dressing of wounds.

One day, a nun from the church sent her to payon due to the appearance of zombies and skeletons. She tried her very best to heal the undeads, however, she could not do it alone, she was still too weak. Partying with others like taekwons, thieves, swordies and other acolytes, they began their journey in protecting the villagers.

From zombies and skeletons, they went to archer skeletons and soldier skeletons. From archer skeletons and soldier skeletons to munaks and bon guns. One by one, her party members left... leaving her behind. She was alone, once again.

Just when she was about to give up, Hawkwiz, a wizard, told her the appearance of evil druids and wraiths in Glast Hielm Church which may be a threat to the others. So, there she goes...

Now, she is a priestess. But she won't give up. She will continue on her trainings until she gets to the top - high priestess. Of course, she will not stop helping others until the end.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006


気づいたことは 1人じゃないってこと

☆瞳を閉じれば あなたが
まぶたのうらに いることで
あなたにとって私も そうでありたい
砂ぼこり運ぶ つむじ風
なんだかきれいで 見とれました
天を仰げば それさえ小さくて
分かち合えるのであれば それは幸せ
この先も 隣で そっと微笑んで





對妳而言 我也是這麼的希望著


抬頭看看天空就會發現 那有多微不足道

如果能跟妳一起分享 那就是幸福

在那之前 也有我在妳身邊 靜靜的微笑著

Tuesday, July 18, 2006




仔細想想,她跟友維挺像的.就是Born to be a leader.
Apiwan會常來和我說笑...久而久之,我開始踏出我中學社交的第一步.接下來又有Vanessa, Myra, Lauralyn, Cassandra... 生活不再是那麼的孤單.
印象最深刻的只有我那兩個"哥兒們" - 和國和一秀!

漸漸的,我的笑容又回到了我的身邊... =)

直到進了Taylor's 的雙連課程,問題又跑回來了!






Monday, July 17, 2006


從小學,到中學,高中,學院... 當我失落時,她總會靜靜的在我身邊,給我鼓勵...

感謝老天爺的疼愛,祂把瓊心送到我的身邊.只有在她的面前,才看的到真正的自己.原來自己是那麼的脆弱,什麼都只能依賴別人.我,可能在外表顯的像Happy Go Lucky, 但也只有我自己最清楚.那只是偽裝.
哭的時候,也只敢給她看. 理由,也只講給她聽.在此不宜多說,因為實在有太多的人看的懂了. (雖說不是有很多人會來看我的博客)

那晚,和媽媽通完電話後,我哭了.由於是住在友維家-Morpeth,我也不敢大四發洩.自己偷偷的在浴室裡梳洗一番才敢進Room 1繼續我的"遊戲".不巧的是,也許並沒有好好除裡,紅腫的眼睛加上哽咽的聲音,被學力發現了. (當時他在看戲,我也以為他不會注意到!!!)


Friday, July 14, 2006

Prayers and Gratitudes

I wanna BLOG! I must BLOG! I'm so excited to BLOG!
Why??? I wanna thank god for hearing my prayers.
Exam results were out, although not very good, I'm satisfied.
Well, people are just so greedy. In the beginning, I was just hoping to pass. After getting the results, finding it is a couple of marks to upgrade to a Distinction, I started thinking: Why can't I just get 2 more marks?
And I'm sure once I get the "2 more marks", I'll start thinking: Why can't I get higher marks for this distinction and not just the border line. Once I get high marks for the distinction, I might think: this is just so close to a High Distinction, can't I do better to get it?
Well, this is the way how a "kiasu" person will think.
I admit that I'm very "kiasu". Oh, for those who doesn't know what "kiasu" is, it means "scared of losing" in Hokkien.

Yup, back to Human Pathophysiology, which I think I should have gotten a D, gave me disappointment. This is one of the subjects which I can achieve a D if I get 2 marks more. However, I'm satisfied. We cannot be so greedy.
Anatomy is another disappointment yet I'm happy with it. After knowing I've gotten quite a lot of mistakes, I still achieve a "considered good" result.
As for Clinical Exercise, the one I mentioned with a lot of stupid choices wasn't that bad either.
Lastly, Mammalian - the worst subject. I managed to get a reasonably ok result, even I've studied at least 3 times! 3 times might sound easy, but if you look at our stack of notes! You'll never want to touch that ever again. Moreover, the diagrams and graphs have no labels!!

The results are definitely much much worse than my first year, I'm glad that I passed all subjects. Thank you god for hearing my prayers! Thank You.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Sedentary Lifestyle

By reading the title, I'm sure you know what I'm going to talk about.
Yes, but why suddenly "Sedentary Lifestyle"?
Blame it on holidays. That's not enough!!
So, what should I blame it on?
Today, after so many days of "trapped" indoor, decided to cycle to Jesmond for groceries. And guess what, it was SUPER DUPER tiring!!
More uphills than downhills - excuses most probably. Unfit Cindy.
What's more! I nearly fainted half way pushing the bike uphill ( a very steep hill). "Fainting"? Yea, it's true! I felt like my head was spinning but I kept on telling myself, " go on, we're almost there". Was it because I didn't sleep for the whole night? Or was it because I haven't had my lunch yet.
Anyway, thankfully, after one STEEP UPHILL, we get to slide all the way down to Jesmond. While sliding, I thought, "What am I gonna do during the return trip!?!?!?!?!" Well, forget it, think of the worst after the chores.
So, red lea for lunch - Tuesday meal, the two burger set.
And bought some meat and veges, not to forget milk!
Then cycle all the way back, er... let me rephrase, cycle half the way back!
As I've mentioned earlier, the "sliding all the way down" part, is seriously a very long hilly strand of road. So, "pushing" the bike up will be a great idea for the unfit Cindy. So... that's how we got up to morpeth.
Uni is starting soon, I can happily say no to sedentary lifestyle! But sadly say bye bye to RO, my lovely guild members, the fun of woe and many many more!
Anywayz, back to business. My sedentary real life but super active RO life!

Monday, July 10, 2006


What!?! Am I a jinx?
I sincerely wanted the French to win this world cup!!
Yes I do!!
Even they beat my favourite team - Spain!
Gosh!! Why does this happen?
Which ever team I supported loses!! Why is this so?
First, Spain! Lost to France.
Then England, lost to Portugal.
Next Germany, lost to Italy.
And finally, FRANCE! Lost to Italy.
Am I a jinx or what!?!
If I really am one, I should have supported the other team instead!
Anyway, I'm very upset with the results.
Penalty 5 vs 3!
What! It reminds me of the penalty last worldcup - Spain vs South Korea!
Sigh... I'm very paranoid now.
I start to believe that I'm a jinx and whoever comes near me will be unlucky.
I DON'T WANT to be a jinx!!

Sunday, July 09, 2006

Advices anyone?

These are famous advices spreading from mail to mail. Chain mail, we call it.
Out of the blue, Cindy decided to spread these advices in her blog. Well, you know, I don't like sending chain mails unless it really worth doing so.
So.. where shall we begin?

1)Give people more than they expect and do it cheerfully.

2)Marry a man/woman you love to talk to. As you get older, their conversational skills will be as important as any other.

3)Don't believe all you hear, spend all you have or sleep all you want.

4)When you say, "I love you," mean it.

5)When you say, "I'm sorry," look the person in the eye.

6)Be engaged at least six months before you get married.

7)Believe in love at first sight.

8)Never laugh at anyone's dream. People who don't have dreams don't have much.

9)Love deeply and passionately. You might get hurt but it's the only way to live life completely.

10)In disagreements, fight fairly. No name calling.

11)Don't judge people by their relatives.

12)Talk slowly but think quickly.

13)When someone asks you a question you don't want to answer, smile and ask, "Why do you want to know?"

14)Remember that great love and great achievements involve great risk.

15)Say "bless you" when you hear someone sneeze.

16)When you lose, don't lose the lesson.

17)Remember the three R's: Respect for self; Respect for others; and responsibility for all your actions.

18)Don't let a little dispute injure a great friendship.

19)When you realize you've made a mistake, take immediate steps to correct it.

20)Smile when picking up the phone. The caller will hear it in your voice.

21)Spend some time alone.

Alright, that's all for now.
Before I forget, anyone interested in stories?
Here, I recommend a nice one from Dai Lou
It's seriously funny and I'm sure it will brighten up your day.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

4th July 2006 ~ 5th July 2006

Took so long to update my blog just because I was just too busy leveling my character. Heh!
Anywayz, speaking of 4th July, it was 4 days ago.
I woke up after noon, around 2 or 3 pm, while sis-in-law was already awake for a long period of time. When I was about to have my "Breakfast", sis-in-law told me not to prepare anything since we still have garlic bread and carbonara leftovers from the previous night. Hock Luck was still sleeping but both sis-in-law and dai lou insisted on waking him up for garlic bread (it was HL's afterall!).
Cut all the crapz, 4 of us appeared in the kitchen waiting for the food to be served (by?? XD!!). Suddenly, sis-in-law grabbed out a home-made cheese cake and say "happy birthday cindy!" I was so surprised and shocked 'coz I never expect that at all!!
So.. it went on with 4 of us eating all those leftovers as well as the nice rich cheese cake.

At night, we had our dinner very late, around 10 sth I suppose. While we were chatting and giggling, Wen Ya came into the kitchen and asked, "Wine, anyone?"
At the beginning, I wanted only a sip but at the end, 4 of us turned out drinking countless glasses. Not to forget Wen Ya and her father. Her father is seriously a joker!!
We started crapping around, starting with sis-in-law's "monk stories".
At the end of the session, guess what! 3 bottles of wine ended up in 6 of ours stomach. Not all, but almost all!!
Wen Ya and her father ended up with red faces.
While the 4 of us, somehow still fine (seemingly).
Probably slightly pinkish on our cheeks.
The wine session ended with laughters and photo-taking at 2am perhaps??
I cannot believe that on the day of 20 I drank so much wine. I have never done that before. I gave my first time in Morpeth during the first day of my second decade of life! Hahaha!!
BUT the wine is seriously NICE!!
Australia brew nice wine!
A little wine is good for health too! (We overdid it actually.. =p)
The following day, I woke up and find out that Dai Lou was allergic to wine!!His whole arms were inflammed and his back was full of red patches.
I know how it feels. The urge of scratching and hitting it. However, he can really tolerate the itchiness. He tried not to scratch which I think it is definitely impossible for me.

Well, if you want to know how bad his allergy was - here

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

End of Semester Holiday.... (re-edited)

I know it's been quite a while since I last blogged. Yea, that's because I was away for holiday and still is. And guess what! Holiday in Morpeth Road. Imagine, a big house with 7 rooms suddenly becomes so empty, leaving only one room being occupied. Which happening room is it? Obviously, it's Room 1!! We spent most of our time, in fact nearly the whole day, inside the room doing our own stuff. Dai Lou will be playing with dota, reading his fantasy football thingy or reading our blogs. Sister-in-law will be loading Youtube and watching her Marmalade boy. As for both Hock Luck and I, you will be able to find two “mutants” (that’s what sis-in-law called us) staring at the screen, tapping on the keyboards, scrolling mouse, talking some “alien language” to each other. Yea, you will be able to find us being so into the game – RO.
I haven't played RO for a very long time and I really miss it. Thankfully, Hock Luck managed to get kRO and Sakray installation pack, as well as finding a good private server. It's very saddening when I find out that I won't be able to play it in Barahineban. However, I get to play it in Morpeth!! ^^
Anywayz, how mad have we been?
1) Breakfast at 3~4pm. (Haha, what to do? We slept at around 6am!)
2) Dinner on the 1st night was at 2.30 am! (Yes, past 12 midnight.)
3) Dinner on the 2nd night was at 10 pm. (Haha… that’s quite normal for me since I used to have dinner at that time back in Malaysia.)
4) Sleep at 7am.

To be continue...