Guess what? Believe it or not, my virgin Swensen dinner was given away last night!! What I regretted the most was that I did NOT take any photos!! Gosh!!
Anyway, even if I've taken any photos, I won't be able to upload them onto my blog. Blogger Beta is weird and I dislike it! Dang! Rightz... scanning through the menu I seriously didn't know what I should order.
Pasta? Eww! Cheesy disgusting pasta nearly whole year in Australia...
Burger? urgh!
Chicken? Eeee... whole year chicken in Australia! Chicken phobia or should I say alektorophobia!
Steak? Steak meh? I just had Steak in San Fransisco Steakhouse the night before...
In the end, I picked fish & chips. I know it's a very common dish in Aussie but I seldom order that so... doesn't matter.
It so happened that Gong Gong had Steak in San Fransisco Steakhouse the previous night as well. Hahaha!! Coincidence only... therefore he was thinking of fish & chips. Nevertheless, he did not want to order the same thing, thus he had a chicken burger instead.
After main meal, we were scanning through the menu for dessert. I remembered Shook Hui telling me that their "Earthquake" ice-cream is SUPERB!! It was fairly big portion and we doubt two bloated people can finish that, therefore we had banana split. I'm quite picky in ice-cream. I think only the strawberry flavoured one taste nice. Vanilla and Chocolate were just normal.
Next, was the horror movie I was craving for! For god sake! Only Gong Gong bothered accompany me for horror movies! I'm a horror movie freak you know. While discussing what horror we will be watching, I even told him, "Why don't we watch all the horrors in one day? - One miss call final, Death Note, Possessed and The Host"!" I know I'm crazy!! What to do? Only Gong Gong bothered accompany me for these movies and he will not be free after Tuesday! Gotta make full use of his time when he's free! *Heh*
In the end, we came to a conclusion - let's watch One miss call final first. Ooo! Before I forget, this is my first time watching late night movie - 11.15pm. Another virginity given away. We rushed from Subang to Midvalley within 15 minutes! Oops, actually less than 15 minutes! I know this is crazy!!

*skip skip* (skip those non-important stuff)
Movie ended at 1.25am... Frankly speaking, I cannot link One miss call 1, 2 & Final together! Anyway, I just know that One miss call 2 and final are both linked to One miss call 1. Blur case. I seriously don't know how to rate the movie. It's NOT so good yet NOT that bad. 6.5 or 7 out of 10 perhaps? I know I'm picky. =p
I ended up returning home at 1.50am? It can be earlier actually, but Gong Gong went the wrong way. Did a BIG turn from Subang into Sunway instead. It's an exhausting day. I fell asleep right after my head hit the pillow. *Oink Oink*
So... When will be the next horror movie be?
Horror movie anyone?? *Grin*